Become a Conference Champion!
VHEY Conferences is excited to launch a new Conference Champion programme aimed at recruiting individuals who are passionate about their specialist field and keen to showcase Hull and East Yorkshire to their national and international colleagues. The programme is currently under development, but please email if you would like further information about how VHEY Conferences can support you in bringing your conference or event to Hull and East Yorkshire.
Conference Champions’ expertise and influence are a driving force in attracting conferences and business events to Hull and East Yorkshire, helping to raise the profile of the region and contributing to the local economy. We are proud to work with key individuals and their colleagues to deliver successful conferences.

Frequently Asked Ambassador Questions
What Is a Conference Champion Programme
A Conference Champion Programme is a group of individuals who wish to encourage their own professional associations, sectors, and groups to meet in Hull and East Yorkshire.
The benefits for the Champion include:
- Enhancing Hull and East Yorkshire’s reputation as a place to visit, work, study and live while generating a positive economic benefit for the region
- Raising the profile of their (and their organisation’s) work amongst their peers, nationally and internationally.
- Being recognised as a leader (either individually or organisationally) in their field of expertise.
- Establishing a local platform for research projects and international collaboration.
Who can become a Conference Champion?
Champions are experts in their field, and the key trait that all our champions require is a strong connection to Hull & East Yorkshire and the aspirations of the region.
- Does your organisation hold annual conferences, award ceremonies or other large-scale events and is interested in bringing the event to Hull & East Yorkshire?
- Are you an active member of an Association, Federation, Society, Business Network, or Sporting Organisation?
- Do you attend national or international events that could be held in Hull & East Yorkshire?
- Could you influence which host country or UK destination is chosen for future events?
If the answer to any of the above questions is YES, we would love to talk with you about becoming a Conference Champion.
How Do VHEY Conferences Support Our Champions?
VHEY Conferences can offer a range of services to help Conference Champions, including:
- Research – We can assess the viability of hosting an event in Hull & East Yorkshire.
- Venue Selection – Using our established partnerships, we provide impartial venue selection and negotiate preferential rates for your event.
- Venue Site Visits – We can fund and coordinate site visits for key decision-makers.
- Bid Preparation – We help create bid documents, letters of support, and bid presentations in various formats.
- Promotional Materials – We provide brochures, video footage, presentations, and information about Hull & East Yorkshire’s venues and conference facilities.
- Accommodation – We negotiate preferential rates at selected hotels and offer a bespoke webpage for delegate bookings.
- Social Programmes – We develop itineraries for tours, social events, partner packages, evening entertainment, and corporate activities.
- Event Services – We identify and source local event suppliers.
- Event Delivery – We assist with event execution through a variety of complimentary services, including the HEY Volunteers programme.
From the initial bid to the event itself, VHEY Conferences will work tirelessly to support Conference Champions in delivering successful events and creating unforgettable experiences for attendees.
Why Should You Use Your Influence?
Business events have a significant impact on the region—not only economically but also by raising the profile of Hull & East Yorkshire and attracting fresh talent to the area.
As a Conference Champion, you can:
- Enjoy free and practical support from VHEY Conference Bureau every step of the way.
- Secure prestigious events for Hull & East Yorkshire.
- Be recognised as a leader in your field of expertise.
- Showcase your institution to global leaders as well as emerging talent in your industry.
- Shape conference programme content.
- Generate positive economic benefits for Hull & East Yorkshire.
- Raise the profile of your work among your peers, nationally and internationally.
- Establish a platform for research projects and international collaboration.
- Enhance the national and international profile of Hull & East Yorkshire as a world-class tourism destination.
- Benefit from spin-off business opportunities.
Previous Champions
We have previously worked with a range of Hull Champions assisting them in bringing conferences and events to our region to great success…

– Mark Daubney
Partner, Bridge McFarland
Jurismus Meeting – 2.5 days – 40 attendees
Jurismus is the network for young Eurojuris lawyers across Europe.
“During the conference in Hull it was great to see the reaction of the attendees to the city and the variety of events arranged for them, after the conference the feedback from delegates was fantastic. It was great to talk through my ideas with the Conference Team and they came back with some great suggestions plus they did a lot of the legwork”

– Katy Duke
Chief Executive Officer, The Deep
“I think bringing conferences to Hull is a fantastic opportunity to showcase the city, It’s such a welcoming place. The Team at Conference Hull are a fantastic resource, they have so many skills between them and they are there to help”

– Dr Ann Kaegi
Director of Education and Student Experience, Department of English, Creative Writing, and American Studies, University of Hull
British Shakespeare Association – 3.5 days – 167 attendees
“I was in touch with the VHEY Conference Bureau team from the very beginning, their help was invaluable. We wanted our conference to be an exceptional experience and Hull provided that for our delegates.”